PT Indofood Sukses Makmur has appointed PT BITA ENARCON ENGINEERING (BITA) to provide Engineering Design and Construction Supervision Services for a New Noodle Factory Development at Jalan Raya Cirebon-Tegal Km 18, Desa Ender, Kecamatan Astanajapura, Cirebon, West Java. The total area is 114,580 sqm area with 77,000 sqm for Noodle factory area, 37,580 sqm for Non-factory area and 41,644 sqm for estimated floor area.The scope of work are consist of:Site Work Assistancy: Development of 7.7 Ha Noodle Factory area including Fencing, Drainage, Road, Parking, Loading & unloading area, including at Noodle Factory building, Waste Water Treatment and Water Treatment (system by others)Architecture and Engineering Design (A/S/C/M/E) of noodle factory building area work which consist of Noodle factory builsing, workshop, mushola, branch office building, clinic building, koperasi builing, SPSI building, boiler and coal storage building and miscellaneous buildings.Mechanical & Electrical installation works which consist of Power and lighting, Water, Steam, Air, Fire and hydrant, Telephone, data and sound system, Lightning, CCTV and security system, HVAC and ME process.Tender process.Site supervision.