PT BITA BINA SEMESTA/BBS is an Indonesian National Consultant Company specializing on ‘front end‘ type of works, including planning and environmental studies for power plant development, mineral and natural resource development, urban development, infrastructure and industrial development.
Prior to its establishment in 1989 was a Study and Planning Division of PT BITA ENARCON ENGINEERING an Indonesian Engineering and Architectural Consultanting Company. Taking the similar way of its parent company, BBS developed around a core of scientis, planners and ecologist in urban planning, resource development and environmental issues.
BBS Clients from various walk of life, including Private Sectors, Government Agencies, State Own and Multy-national Companies, as well as National Companies enganged in different sectors of activities.
Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Impact Analysis, Environmental Management Plan, Environmental Monitoring Plan, Environmental Management Effort and Environmental Monitoring Effort.
Feasibility Study, Housing Study, Tranportation Study, Social-Economic and Social Cultural Study, Anthropology Study, Regulation and Permittin Study.
Regional, Rural/Urban, Industrial-area.